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Report : UCL symposium - Facing Disaster:International Disaster and Humanitarian Responses

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > The Charms of Fukushima / Supporting Fukushima > List of archived articles > Report : UCL symposium - Facing Disaster:International Disaster and Humanitarian Responses
To print view 2016年10月5日更新

Fukushima high school students go and make presentation in London

Forenotice of the symposium UCL-Fukushima Reception

UCL foreannouncement

13:00 - 20:00 28 July 2016
Facing disasters: international disaster management and humanitarian responses

Open to: Academic | Alumni | Public | Student
Admission: Free
Ticketing: Pre-booking essential

Disasters occur in many parts of the world every year. Based on experience from the Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, the aim of this public symposium is to discuss how to build safety systems and resilience against future disasters. Scientific Disasters occur in many parts of the world every year. Based on experience from the Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, the aim of this public symposium is to discuss how to build safety systems and resilience against future disasters. Scientific views of, and human problems after the disaster will be discussed with talks given by representatives of academia, industry and Japanese local government.

The symposium will start with a keynote lecture by Prof. Peter Sammonds (Director, UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction), which will be followed by two sessions:

I. Report from Fukushima - speakers from, and recently visited Fukushima, will discuss current state.

II. How should we face disasters? - speakers from the youth generation, industry and academia will talk about disaster resilience.

At the symposium

At UCL-1Students from Fukushima Senior High School made presentation of their research about Fukushima Prefecture where they are living.
At UCL-2

Based on experience from the Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, the aim of this public symposium held on the 28th July in UCL was to discuss how to build safety systems and resilience against future disasters in the region. Scientific views of, and human problems after the disaster were discussed with talks given by representatives of academia, industry and Japanese local government

After the symposium

photo at UCL-3

○ Tasting of Fukushima original rice ball
○ Tasting of Sake, and other processed Fukuhsima products
○ Exhibition of panels of reconstruction situation and tourist attraction
○ Videos for Fukushima promotion

photo at UCL-4Following the symposium, UCL-Fukushima reception was held in UCL South Cloisters with UCL's vice-provost, Dame Nicola Brewer, gave an opening speech.

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