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Result of Sea Area Monitoring Associated with the Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Radiation monitoring information/basic knowledge of radiation > Sea area monitoring results associated with the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea > Result of Sea Area Monitoring Associated with the Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea
To print view 2025年2月27日更新

About Sea Area Monitoring Associated with the Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea

 While sea area monitoring associated with the discharge of ALPS Treated Water has previously been conducted at 6 designated points ((1) to (6) as illustrated in the map below) in close proximity to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), it has been extended to encompass 9 points. This expansion incorporates 3 additional monitoring points ((7) to (9) on the provided map), implemented during the 2022 Fiscal Year. The purpose of this expansion is to ensure precise measurements of radioactive material concentrations both before and after the water discharge, facilitating a comprehensive comparative analysis. 

 Furthermore, alongside the ongoing tritium monitoring at the 9 designated points post-discharge, rapid analysis has been additionally conducted to promptly measure and publicize nuclide concentrations in seawater.

 This comprehensive monitoring also encompasses other radioactive isotopes, including Cesium-137.

Monitoring Result of 21 February, 2025 (Rapid Analysis Method, Tritium)

 On 21 February, 2025, seawater samples were subjected to rapid analysis, revealing that tritium concentrations were below the lowest detection limit(below 3.6~3.8 Bq/L) at all monitoring points. This outcome assures there is no discernible impact on either human health or the environment.  

 Rapid Analysis of Tritium is a significantly expedited process, characterised by reduced measurement duration, with the designated lowest detection limit set at 10 Bq/L. 

 The measured value, falling below the target’s lowest detection limit of 10 Bq/L, indicates that it is lower than the highest measured value in the nation’s seawater since 2015, which was 20 Bq/L. This value is well below the national standard for discharged water and the WHO standard for drinking water.

 Furthermore, to enhance the analysis, more precise measurements will be conducted with a lowest detection limit of 0.1 Bq/L. This will be achieved through the utilisation of the electrolytic enrichment method※1 at the same monitoring points, with the assessments scheduled on a monthly basis.

※1: Method that measures enriched tritium by utilising the nature of tritium 

<Result of Rapid Analysis of Tritium in Seawater>

Result of Rapid Analysis of Tritium in Seawater
Assembled by Fukushima Prefecture Utilising GSI Map web-base

Result of Rapid Analysis of Tritium Conducted after the Discharge by Fukushima Prefecture 
Date of Sampling Number of sampling points Measurement Result
25 Aug., 2023 ~ 21 Feb., 2025 9points Below Lowest Detection Limit(Below 3.3~6.3 Bq/L)


Result of Rapid Analysis of Tritium Conducted after the Discharge by Ministry of the Environment
Click here for details(Link to Website of Ministry of the Environment)


Result of Rapid Analysis of Tritium Conducted after the Discharge by TEPCO
Click here for details(Link to TEPCO Website)

Monitoring Result of 6 December, 2024 (Tritium, Cesium137, etc.)

 The concentration of all radioactive isotopes (including tritium (H3) and cesium (Cs137)) in seawater measured consistently remained well below both the national regulatory standard for discharged water safety and the WHO standards for drinking water. These measurements were in alignment with the results obtained near the FDNPS at that time.

<Measurement Locations and Measurement Result>

monitoring result
 Assembled by Fukushima Prefecture Utilising GSI Map web-base
※Tritium concentration measured through electrolytic enrichment method

Ambient tritium concentration range (All over Japan)(From 2015 onwards)
海 Seawater 20 Bq/L or less
水道 Tap Water 1.2 Bq/L or less


7.3 Bq/L or less 

Source: ALPS Treated Water Marine Monitoring Information, Ministry of the Environment(Click here for details

Benchmark values for tritium in Japan and internationally
  H-3(Bq/L) Cs-137(Bq/L)
Regulartory Standards of Tritiumu and Cesium-137 for safety 60,000※2 90※2
WHO Standards for Drinking Water 10,000※3 10※3

※2: Represents the value of radioactive materials’ concentration that, if ingested at a rate of 2L of water daily from birth to age 70, would result in an average annual radiation dose of 1mSv.
※3: Represents the value of radioactive materials’ concentration that, if ingested at a rate of 2L of water daily for one year, would result in an annual radiation dose of 0.1mSv.
Source: ALPS Treated Water Marine Monitoring Information, Ministry of the Environment(Click here for details

Measurement result in sea area around FDNPS to date
  FY 2023 After the nuclear accident
(FY 2011~FY 2022)
Before the nuclear accident

1.6 Bq/L or less

8.8 Bq/L or less 2.9 Bq/L or less
0.16 Bq/L or less 5.0 Bq/L or less 0.003 Bq/L or less

Monitoring points

 Sea area near TEPCO FDNPS (9 points)

  (1) Near FDNPS South Water Outlet
  (2) Near FDNPS North Water Outlet 
  (3) Near FDNPS Water Intake (near port entrance)
  (4) 2km off FDNPS
  (5) 2km off Kumagawa Coast, Okuma Town
  (6) 2Km off Maeda-Gawa Coast, Futaba Town
  (7) 2km North, 0.5km West of ALPS Discharge Outlet
  (8) 1km North of ALPS Discharge Outlet
  (9) 1km South of ALPS Discharge Outlet

Items of Analysis

  Seawater (surface water, 185L) has been sampled at each point, then analysed for the following 5 items at Centre for Environmental Creation

 (1) Gamma ray emitting nuclear species (Cesium-137, etc.) 
   (2) Tritium
   (3) Radioactive Strontium
   (4) Plutonium
   (5) Gross β

Other results of research

 ・ALPS Treated Water Marine Monitoring Information ※Link to Website of Ministry of the Environment

 ・Sea Area Environmental Monitoring Related to the Discharge of ALPS Treated Water ※Link to The Nuclear Regulation Authority Website

 ・Sea Area Monitoring ※Link to TEPCO Website

 ・Results of the Monitoring on Radioactivity Level in Fishery Products ※Link to Ministry of Fisheries Agency Website

 ・Fukuhima prefecture agriculture, forestry and fisheries products processed food monitoring information ※Link to website of Agriculture,Forestry And fishery Department


 ・Fukushima Prefecture Radioactivity Measurement Map

 ・Environmental Radioactivity Measurement Result inthe Vicinity of the Power Station

 ・Research Result for Tritium in Public Waters

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