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Introduction of the governor

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > The Charms of Fukushima / Supporting Fukushima > List of archived articles > Introduction of the governor
To print view 2018年10月18日更新

"The Big Challenge" - Getting Fukushima started again!

Uchibori Masao, Fukushima governor

Image : Masao Uchibori 1
Masao Uchibori

The citizens of this prefecture and also countless well-wishers from around the world have rallied to support our recovery. Already, there are signs of gradual recovery right across Fukushima.
The dark days are becoming brighter and the outlook is becoming more positive. Our aim is to create a “New Fukushima” filled once again with happiness and hope. That is our firm commitment.
Of course, getting our prefecture back on its feet means overcoming many big challenges. But with the right will and commitment, it is all achievable. After all, we see this as a challenge - not an impossibility.
With the enormous energy of Fukushima’s citizens and all the help of so many other people, we can certainly take on this big task.
Fukushima’s future again looks bright!

Image : Masao Uchibori 2

Graduate, University of Tokyo. 1986, joined the then Home Affairs Ministry. Held a number of posts, including a stint with the Finance Ministry. 2001, joined the Fukushima prefectural government.

From 2006, Vice-Governor of Fukushima. October 2014, elected Governor of Fukushima. Has attempted to speed up reconstruction by acting as the top salesman for Fukushima Prefecture, a major source of farm and marine products. Recently hosted a promotional campaign to dispel harmful rumours at Fukushima's pilot shop "Midette" in Tokyo, with the ambassadors of New Zealand, Australia, Britain and Canada all attending.

(Quote: Introduction note of The World Economic Forum 2016, Davos, Switzerland)

Latest accomplishment (Link to HP in Japanese)

Image : Masao Uchibori 3

He is one of the speakers in The World Economic Forum 2016

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

Issue Briefing: Rebuilding Fukushima: Lessons for the World


In October, 2016, seminars on the revitalization of Fukushima were held at the CSIS (Center for Strategic & International Studies) in Washington D.C., as well as at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York. During the seminars, Governor Uchibori himself gave a speech on the current situation, the challenges faced by Fukushima and the efforts being made for new industries.
A presentation was also held in New York to showcase the appeal of Fukushima, including Fukushima-produced saké.

Presentation at the CSIS


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