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Fukushima JET: Leaving JET

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2024年5月24日更新
Home JET in Fukushima Support System Dates and Deadlines New JET info Leaving JET

Leaving JET  

Leaving the JET Programme can be a really stressful experience (or a huge relief!). Whether you're looking forward to the transition or whether you're worried about what you're going to do next, we are here to help! To make things easier for you, we've created a Leavers' Guidebook to assist you in preparing for the big move.

Fukushima JET Leavers’ Guidebook

JET Leavers Guidebook(English) [PDFファイル/2.67MB]

JET Leavers Guidebook(日本語) [PDFファイル/739KB]

Please note, that while we have tried our best to make sure all information in the guidebook is correct and up to date, changes may have occured since the time of completion, so make sure to double check information with the relevant organizations when necessary.

Contact: kokusai@pref.fukushima.lg.jp

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