I had the privilege of being on the Aizu Wakamatsu Fukushima Study tour this year and it was hands down an amazing experience. From the first day through to the end of the tour we had something to do and learnt so much.
My favourite part of the tour would have to be the Farm stay experience. Our host mother was a lovely old woman whom had a lot of stories to share. I got to hear firsthand from her the struggles she went through following the tragedy. However, the things that happened in 2011 did not make her give up. She now owns a restaurant that uses only local produce and her farm is also a guest house with a twist. Many people from around the world have visited her and have changed their views of the prefecture. Her kindness and big heart is not something uncommon as I see it in the people here every day, she just stands out because she does not let you lounge around but helps you learn the basic necessities to life during your stay.
The common theme I would hear throughout the seminars given was Fukushima`s ways of trying to overcome the stereotype in the media. It saddened me that despite having proven many times that the food, daily living and health precautions are safe, the world wants more proof. What more is there to give than the results in front of your eyes?
I am glad I was placed in this prefecture and had this opportunity during the study tour to hear just how much work goes into making sure everything is okay before being allowed out in to the public.
It makes me appreciate this prefecture and its people more, they have come a long way since 2011 and I couldn’t be more proud of this place… It also, makes me happy that they help each other out by buying each other’s produce. I love the fact my schools drink and eat rice and milk that’s produced in Fukushima.
I always knew that this prefecture was under scrutiny not just from Japan but also the world. However, I was oblivious to just how much… until this study tour. Everything on this trip was useful and what you had set up was a great balance of work and pleasure.
Thank you for the opportunity to educate my mind on the road Fukushima is on to recovery. I hope one day Fukushima gets a break and they won’t have to try prove themselves.
Many may not think so, but I know for sure this is the best place in Japan!