The 19th of October, Saturday. The meeting place is the West exit of Fukushima Station. For some reason it’s busier than usual. Whenever I travel, there is one song that I always listen too. That song is called ‘Leaving on a good day’ sung by Momoe Yamaguchi, who is known as the Diva of the Showa Period. Here is a video of the song, along with a link to the English translation. ‘Ah, somewhere in Japan, someone's waiting for me’ As if led by the lyrics of the song, that day Prime Minister Shinzō Abe visited Fukushima. By some strange coincidence he planned to get off the Shinkansen(Bullet Train) at the West Exit of Fukushima Station. This was the reason that it was much busier than usual. However to us it just proved to be trouble. On this day, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe visited the port of Matsukawaura in the city of Soma to observe fisheries activities which were restarted in late September. The aim of his visit was to appeal the safety of the prefecture’s marine products. Even though they are on an extremely different scale, I feel that we are of the same mind in our efforts to reverse the reputational damage Fukushima Prefecture has suffered. I pay my respects to both Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, as well as Diva Momoe Yamaguchi, who are both from the same generation. 
The tour participants boarded the bus, albeit a little behind schedule. As I put on my headphones again, the song continued: ‘Departure on a fine day, in search of a beautiful land, Taking along with me my friends who I met in countries far away’

Now, let our travels begin! (Posted by:Xu) |