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A Message from Fukushima on March 11, 2017


This video features a message from the governor of Fukushima Prefecture Uchibori Masao which was released on March 11, 2017, the 6th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear power disaster.
Amid fading memories of the disaster and the nuclear power accident, we citizens of the prefecture have released messages every year since the 2011 3/11 Fukushima Memorial Event to Commemorate the Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Prayer for Revitalization (March 11, 2012), in order to pray sincerely for the repose of victims' souls as well as renew our commitment for the revitalization.
◆Title: A Message from Fukushima on March 11, 2017
word count: 683, about 6 minutes

◆Members of the 3/11 Governor's Message Draft Committee (in the order of the Japanese syllabary)  Uchibori Masao, Governor of Fukushima Prefecture (Chairperson)
 Kato Takuya, Director and Chief Editorial Writer, Fukushima Minyu Shinbun
 Kikuchi Shintaro, Director NPO PEP Network of Child Care in Koriyama
 Sasaki Koji, Superintendent of Education, Board of Education, Shinchi Town
 Hachisuka Reiko, Director, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Okuma Town
 Hayakawa Masaya,  Director of the Editorial Bureau, FUKUSHIMA-MINPO Co., Ltd.
 Honda Tamaki , Specially-appointed Professor, Fukushima Future Center for Regional Revitalization, Fukushima University
 Yokota Junko, Director, NPO Sozai Hiroba

◆Outline of the 3/11 Message from Fukushima, 2017
・Six years have passed since the disaster.  Fukushima is now in a mixed situation of 'light and shadow'. This is shown by bright aspects and many challenges faced. While revitalization is making steady progress, nearly 80,000 citizens remain evacuated away from their homes.
・How should we face this sort of situation? We have to show a ray of light "HOPE", we believe that this is our mission.
・It delivers our wish that we, citizens of the prefecture will be able to achieve the revitalization by envisioning 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and the future of Fukushima which is the hope for the future, backed by each person's hopes and dreams and ceaseless challenges without fear of failure. Lastly, we conveyed our resolution to the entire world that we will make the utmost efforts in solidarity to return sympathy and support from people who encouraged us as well as create a new Fukushima which we can proudly show to the next generation.
・We wish that this message will give energy to citizens of the prefecture and encourage them, and communicate to people in Japan and the world our situation and our mindset that Fukushima is standing strong.

◆Source of reference
1. “If there hadn’t been a nuclear accident, I could have found her much earlier.”
Posted in the Fukushima Minyu Shinbun on December 25, 2016
Posted in the FUKUSHIMA-MINPO, Co., Ltd. on December 26, 2016
2.  “Although Fukushima was hit by the disaster, you have been making your utmost 
efforts and have achieved so much. ”
“Fukushima has beautiful flowers and delicious fruit. I will come back here and bring my friends with me, because I love Fukushima.”
     Remarks at the discussion meeting joined by the Governor and the Youth Division of Fukushima Ryokan Hotel Association on November 25, 2016.
3.  “I want to produce food that everyone can enjoy eating without concern. I would have  
absolutely hated to have given up this challenge.”
     Posted in the Mainichi Newspapers on July 7, 2016.

◆An outline of the 2011 3/11 Fukushima Memorial Event to Commemorate the Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Prayer for Revitalization in 2017

◆Contact us
 Fukushima Prefectural Government  Planning and Coordination Division
 〒960-8670 2-16, Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima  (本庁舎5階)
 Tel: 024-521-8627(Ex.2308・2309)
 Fax: 024-521-7911(Ex.5511)
 E-mail: tsuito@pref.fukushima.lg.jp

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